About Me

Saya adalah seorang pembicara Publik : Motivator, Trainer & Learning facilitator. Hampir 15 tahun, saya mendalami profesi tersebut dengan segala dinamika kelas yang ada di lingkungan korporasi, baik di BUMN, kementrian, sekolah sekolah, dan perusahaan swasta nasional maupun multinasional.

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It’s my burning desire to share knowledge in motivational way

Program Pelatihan Yasier Utama


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University of California menemukan sebuah fakta :

“Karyawan karyawan yang termotivasi : 31% lebih produktif, 37% lebih tinggi angka penjualannya, dan 3 kali lipat lebih kreatif dibandingkan dengan karyawan yang tidak Termotivasi”.

Dari 50.000 orang karyawan, 87% tidak akan berhenti bekerja karena mereka sangat “termotivasi” dengan apa yang dilakukannya. (Corporate Leadership Council).


Elvis Lingosari President Director from joint venture company

“Dengan Pak Yasier, tercapai learning with fun and love. Bahan bahannya berkualitas dan dibungkus dengan car acara untuk mengingat content materi dengan mudah. Pembawaan diri pak yasier tenang dan penuh energi, membuat suasana training menjadi penuh semangat. Terima kasih atas training yang berkualitas yang telah diberikan kepada Team saya.

Joe Ragunath Murthy Eks Managing Director in Joint Venture company in Indonesia

“Learn and fun…sesi yang sangat fantastic…pembelajaran yang disampaikan pak Yasier luar biasa…berawal dari pikiran dan hati, kita diajak untuk mengubah kebiasaan. Melalui tindakan tindakan kecil yang sederhana….Thank you for your sharing pak Yasier”.

Wahyu Irawanto Eks Vice President Training & People Development

“Yasier mampu memberikan proses pengajaran yang bervariasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta training. Cara penyampaian tidak membosankan. Kreatif, inspiratif. Satu hal lain yang saya terkesan adalah bagaimana ia mampu mengajarkan sesuatu yang muncul dari hati yang terdalam”. .

Afful Basri, SE, MBA Eks. Head of Human Resources PT. Poso Energy

Thank a lot pak Yasir and team for giving us at PT Poso Energy (Bukaka Group) a wonderful training on CHANGE IN ME. It inspires all employees to do and act better for a better life as a whole.... .

Very recommendable training topic....

Dr. Antony Japari, ChFC, CFP, FLMI President Director/CEO at PT Capital Life

I Have know Yasier since the early 2000s because they both worked at Panin Life. Iam in the sales departement as the manager of the finansial planner team and Yasier in the training and motivation is very good for the trainees. And when Yasier founded his own training Company. I Used his Services several times to provide training and motivation in my company working as Marketing Director at that time such as at Mega Life, CAR Life and at Capital Life Where iwas the CEO. The Results of the training and motivation are very good and i highly recommend Yasier as one of the best trainer and motivator.

Farid Trmurianto, CHt CEO, Profesional Trainer, Business Consultant, Hypnoterapist

Yasier is one of the best experienced motivational speaker who has the uniqueness of fun and fresh delivery method yet effective.

Faisal Maulana, S.Hut, RFP, CFFL, CPC Head of Sales Recruitment and Development - Senior Manager

The one and only, Yasier Utama.
The one that "found" my talent and passion in Training & Development.
The one that has a big heart, always talk the talk and walk the walk.
The one that inspired so many people because of your energy, elegance and smart humour on the stage that i acknomledge as one of the best in indonesia.
The one that changed hundred thousand of people"s life to be better and better everyday within 20 years of his career and dedication.